
Friday, February 22, 2019

I feel like revisiting this . . . . . after the 'divide and rule' pressure of late from the right wing politicians on this nation of ours and the Brexit split across political parties created I feel as some weird kind of distraction technique I smell a rat and the split has done nothing to aid communication and solidarity, a distraction away from the austerity model, lacks of any significant pay rises in over eight years for the public sector and the bankers and the panjandrums wielding the whip and divying up the spoils behind our backs somehow. You remember what the banks did? They have their hands in our pockets still. The NHS belongs to us, we paid for it and before they privatise it totally to Branson and his ilk let's try another tack . . . . 

that this song summarises what I think the answer is may be a given but let it sink in and hope that things improve . . . . . . I doubt it! But I can hope can't I? Let's work together . . . . . . . . it made me feel more positive for a moment despite a dreadful feeling of doom and gloom . . . . . . . 

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