
Thursday, March 07, 2019


There's a staggeringly good quality broadcast recording of Ms Cash this morning over at the ubiquitous Big O (where else?) Recorded and broadcast last summer, Rosanne looks more and more like her Mum [Vivian Liberto, Johnny's first wife not June] and the voice is as pure and true as it ever was, go on treat yourself . . . .  

Also I note the gig starts with Rosanne singing the classic '500 miles' I used to sing this (to myself I hasten to add) as a youngster (13ish) and have mentioned before my precocious early passion for the blues and had a wonderful Josh White album with his version of this classic of the American Song Book folk/blues! Love that song . . . . 

The quality of this is worth checking out just for that really but the Germans know what their doing I guess. Gives Nuremburg a different slant for these ears! Awesome!!

Rosanne's parents Johnny and Vivienne

Vivienne Liberto Cash Distin

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