
Saturday, April 13, 2019


50 plus in the queue and still only an hour to get in

International Record Store Day 2019 went well! 
Largely through being able to get everything I was after. The Staff at Truck Store here in Oxford were simply great! Friendly, efficient and they found everything for me. Sensitive to an old geezer with a walking stick, think I got the last copy of the Dylan they had! While I was later than I wanted, the queue was only fifty strong by the time I got there and despite an hour's wait I did get everything I had hotly anticipated. Joining the queue with a group of families  only in Oxford somehow a couple of Saturday dads, with four screaming kids. I was joined by a guy who quizzed me and said "What are we queueing for?" To which I replied 'It's Record St . . . . ' 
         "Yeah I know it's Record Store Day' he snapped' but are we queuing for a particular record . .  or what?"
         'Well I am!' came my rejoinder when I realised he may not have been quite on full message as t'were.
         'I am looking forward to trying to find a Doors 10", the Bob Dylan and maybe a Van Morrison. What about you?' 
                to which he started to mutter somewhat and kept his further comments under his breath rather. . . . . . . I was amiable enough and he may not have been well but we got along. I tried again to ask if he was looking for something in particular 'to which he replied he was looking for a record! Eye-rolling like mad (sorry) Self explanatory really. 

There was a really nice guy on the door who was from Richer Sounds with vouchers off the hardware to actually play all this stuff. I told him I was a VIP receiver of the Newsletter which is what he was trying to get folks to sign up to and he smiled wanly and gave me a voucher. My colleague in the queue repeated almost verbatim what I had just said, that he was a VIP member of Richer Sounds and would not be giving him his email address for fear of what he might do with it and and mentioned Julian Assange which I thought at least was apposite! 
We made our way inside!

Truck Store Staff are cool as . . . . .

Some salient superb Swappie choices!

Sorry couldn't help my son Matt and his pal to find what they were after in a joint pincer operation at Rough Trade in that there Lunnun! They went on to the London variety of shops and were able to find some of what they wanted!

Rough Trade Brick Lane London - the RSD queue at about 9.30

A happy day was had by all!
You know it . . . 

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