
Sunday, April 21, 2019


Easter here and it is adopted by Christianity since the Spring Equinox around the 21st March so Easter lasted a month in pagan times falling as it did midway between Mid-Winter and Mid-Summer and named after the ancient goddess Eostre is my favourite of the public holidays here in the UK. Many religions and belief systems as old as the hills celebrate this day marking the changing of the seasons and the passing of the year with joyousness, fun and games by the wearing of hats covered in flowers, eating chocolate eggs, wondering at little fluffy birds (ducks and chickens mostly) and generally having fun in the Spring sun if there is any. 

Let joy be unconfined! 

The christians celebrate 'Pascha' around this time to try to subsume the pagan's traditions and mark it as the weekend where their Jesus the so called Nazarene was tortured and put to death by crucifixion one of the most barbaric forms of death known to mankind. He then is said to have risen from his grave and shown himself to indicate his power over death by belief and dying for humanities sins, that death is conquerable if you believe in their god. or something like that . . . . . . .

 . . . . . I celebrate the changing of the year and the coming of the sun, the bursting forth of Mother Nature in all her glory and the shoots of flowers and plants and trees. Wonderful, literally

I love this song and it reminds me of happy days gone past with my friends John and Heather Northcote who turned us on to so much music . . . . . . 

It is in deed a beautiful day . . . . . 

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