
Monday, April 08, 2019

Well another weblog of ROIOs has seemingly bitten the dust. The most excellent Mat Brewster over at Midnight Cafe has announced at least a sojourn away from his page for the foreseeable future. What with deaths and illness amongst the community and people just giving up from troll infections (Big O) to the music police making the mistake of taking down sites sharing files of live performances not available elsewhere (it actually does work and sells more music IMHO) this is a blow to the ever decreasing number of sites exploring bootlegs (so called) live recordings and Recordings Of Indeterminate Origin. He unerringly was worth following and despite a personal bias towards the Grateful Dead, Van Morisson and Bob Dylan came up with a surprising (at times) variety of sounds and links to recordings that I followed for years.
I can only hope that he is taking a sabbatical of some sort, that he continues in good health and will return to us at some point. Meanwhile I will take the opportunity to update my links to fellow travellers over on the right  . . . .there . . .  you see. . . . the list just there

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