
Thursday, June 06, 2019


D Day June 6, 1944

Robert Capa’s Iconic D-Day Photo of a Soldier in the Surf

LEST WE FORGET - the 75th anniversary of D-Day today where 4-9,000 German soldier's died and 10,000 Allies were injured and 4,414 confirmed dead in the first and biggest landing of troops then known as Operation Neptune

BBC coverage 6th June 2019

BBC D-Day veterans salute the dead and survivors 6th June 2019

97-year-old vet jumps into Normandy, 75 years after D-Day

Tom Rice parachuted into Normandy, France, on the 75th anniversary, riding in the same type of plane he jumped from in 1944: a C-47

In the ensuing Battle of Normandy, 73,000 Allied forces were killed and 153,000 wounded. The battle — and especially Allied bombings of French villages and cities — killed some 20,000 French civilians.

Read more here:

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