
Sunday, May 17, 2020


I have always been fascinated by aspects around art whether it be portraits of artist, biographical details, pictures from family snapshots where they lived, people they loved, as they were/are in photos and self portraits but also images of scenes as they are now from their most famous paintings also. Where artists lived and their work in landscape seen in the real. One such is the wonderful work of Dutch photo artist Karin Borghout whose website dedicated to the work of Vincent Van Gogh is full of such things some examples follow below

So a view we all know from Van Gogh's eating but taken as a photo in situ just fascinates despite cars and contemporary detail. But there are works reconstructed from Vincent's oeuvre that take the smaller subjects as it were and the artist has reconstructed these also

Again another masterful flower study reconstructed 

Vincent's actual bedroom


  1. This looks fantastic Andy - thanks so much. Sad news about Astrid Kirchherr last week though.

  2. Hey thanks for dropping by Phil! Glad you liked these they struck something in me too. I didn't post anything about Astrid passing and should have really. A great style iconoclast in many ways, the Beatle's haircuts and several dress issues were down to her. A fine photographer
