
Monday, June 29, 2020

It's Monday and its therefore time for a Singy Songy Session
from our 

Kate Rusby

Kate says . . . . . :
Singy Songy Session #15!!!!! 🎉🥂😁This week we have 'THE LARK' from my 2005 album 'The Girl Who Couldn't Fly'. We also did a version in 2012 with my hero Nic Jones singing with me, on my '20' album which celebrated twenty years touring! Sorry it's a day late I was too croaky yesterday, 😕 so we didn't manage it. I felt so bad I'd missed it, but phewf here we are back on track!!  😊🌈☀️😃#thegirlwhocouldntflythatcanflynowbutjustnotallowedattheminobvs#singysongysession

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