
Wednesday, July 08, 2020


I have always been fascinated by the skeleton of our human form and from an early age built the Airfix model kit (about 6-7" high as I recall) bought paper models too and I badly wanted the skull but it was rather expensive (I have a real one now!) something to do with the 'human clay' and the stuff we are made on . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . so here's a piece of artwork by Italian artist Gino De Dominicis and we could do with some scale maybe. 
What do you think? What is we are seeing?

Looks deceptive huh? We judge scale by the human form very often measuring things in hands, the height a man being 2m approx, Leonardo'sVetruvian man and the golden mean or section being based upon the human form (or vice versa) a span etc so when we see a human form in a building we get confused for the moment is it a tiny building around the human form or a massive skeleton in an ordinary sized building? For a moment the mind seems to alternate between the two . . . . . 

so we could do with some more information to judge by. What about it being outside . . . . surrounded by people? . . . . . .  yeah that'll do it


What in the gosh darned heck is THAT about? and why the pointed beak like nose? Well I haven't got a clue! Is it art? Almost certainly . . . . . 

CALAMITA COSMICA (Cosmic Magnet) (1990) by Gino De Dominicis

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