
Monday, July 20, 2020


Cup o' Joe 

Emily Barker, coffee and her sounds of the week . . . . . . I love these posts from Emily as she shares with us much of interest and musical taste (well my being a fan of her's is rather an indicator but I haven't found anyone yet we don't share a taste for)

This of course is making me want to go out and buy this live album . . . . . . . Blaze Foley we shared as a discovery through our both enjoying the work of John Prine (Prine frequently covered Foley's 'Clay Pigeons' see below)

Emily also appears to get through considerably more coffee than I do so I can't join in again (yet) . . . . 

I had wanted to discuss how we each make our coffee, I am a whole bean or ground man with my manual wooden grinder and  French press after exhausting all sorts of coffee makers, machinery and killing several electronic grinders and I use measuring spoons rather than weighing the beans! but thought it would probably bore her rigid to ask her why she has ended up as she evidently has! I have tried most means of 'real' coffee making from filters and quite elaborate machines that drizzle liquid into pots to the simplest means of making it ground beans and a cafetière! Emily seems to prefer a machine grinder, weighing out the cherries and filtration by adding several blasts [well two it seems] of hot water straight from a kettle . . . . . . . . how do YOU make yours?! Ha ha ha ha ha                                                                                (who in the gosh darned tarnation do you think you are talking too?! ED . . . .  Shutup! ) 

Emily says on Facebook:

Good morning! This Monday morning’s Music + Coffee combo.If you've tuned in to my previous episodes, you'll notice I'm not in my usual setting. Lukas and I are in the process of moving house and so for this post and next week's, I'm at my bandmate Rob Pemberton's house for coffee and music. On the weekend I was in Bristol and so took myself to Rough Trade Bristolbranch to browse the racks. I was so pleased to find this Blaze Foley album who I'd only just discovered was the writer behind 'Clay Pigeons' - a song known to me via John Prine's cover version. I delved into Foley's work on Spotify and was struck by its depth, so when I saw this 'Live at The Austin Outhouse' LP, I knew I had to get it. The recording is fantastic - so intimate you feel like you're there in the band room with him. It is a stunning collection of songs with some great guest performances too.  Bristol is blessed with so many great record shops. I've had the pleasure of playing at this one a handful of times now. https://www.roughtrade.comIn the early 2000's I lived on a narrow boat in London with my partner at the time and we'd often travel the waterways with a family of baristas. Gwilym Davies in fact was the World Barista Champion in 2009! He's now based in the Czech Republic where he roasts, runs barista training courses, and makes coffee with his partner Petra Davies Veselá. He saw my Music + Coffee posts and wanted to send me some samples of The naughty dog roasts to try. Yes please! It was so lovely to hear from him after all these years and the coffee is delicious. My fave of the four he sent me is the Ethiopia Banko Gotiti Natural - it's quite sweet and berry-ie. Mmmm. Thank you Gwilym and Petra. me for Music + Coffee here: your day!Emily x

Damn I miss John Prine . .  . . . brings a tear to my eye

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