
Saturday, July 04, 2020


Steve Winter

So wondering around t'interwebbie thingamabob as is my wont I came across this fellah!
I love the stuff random searches brings our way huh? 

His name was P22, and photographer Steve Winter had heard about him for a while. National Park Service staff knew a mountain lion had somehow crossed two of the nation’s busiest freeways to settle somewhere inside Los Angeles’s Griffith Park. For “Ghost Cats,” a December 2013 National Geographic feature about elusive urban cougars, Winter hiked the park, setting up hidden motion-sensitive cameras that could be viewed remotely. More than a year later, P22 triggered one—right in front of the famous Hollywood sign, too.“ This sparked a movement to protect Southern California’s last cougars and other wildlife,” Winter says. “P22 Day is celebrated every year in Los Angeles.”

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