
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

and even mo' MARILYN

I keep posting little articles and notes about Marilyn that show her humanity and depth of feeling for her own life, her sensitivity, sensibility and the care for others which at times seems boundless. She was nobody's fool but just a tragic figure who tried her best to counter her upbringing and struggles with mental health possibly inherited from her mother

The epitome of strength. 

August 10th, 1957: Marilyn Monroe and her husband, Arthur Miller, tightly hold hands as they brave a mob of reporters and fans as they leave the hospital. 

On August 1st, severe stomach pains turned out to be the result of an ectopic pregnancy. The baby had grown outside of the uterus and in order to save Marilyn’s life, the pregnancy was terminated. While Marilyn fought hard, nothing could be done. She remained in the hospital for ten days recovering from the loss and a blood transfusion. She was weak, tired, but mostly suffering with a broken heart. She had finally had what she’d always wanted… She wrote to her step-daughter, “don’t worry about me”, while she was away at camp, and promised to write by hand when she returned home. 
When it was time to leave, she insisted on walking tot he car, instead of being wheeled out in a chair. Her emotional strength comes from a place known only to her. Her doctor noted she was about six to eight weeks pregnant, it was too early to determine the gender, it was not a boy (or so we know) as so many have falsely written. The doctor remained hopeful and told Marilyn in a few months she and Arthur could try again.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite quotes is by Marilyn :
    “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring“
