
Saturday, August 01, 2020


and Jobe soon took to his occupation with great gusto and chutzpah as a maker of long woollen garments known in Middle English and Old French as a jube or jupe and by Jupiter he soon had to undergo a test for his crotchety shoulder as the knitting was mighty tiresome and did stand shakily in wake of said tiredness and excess of the clickitty clack of the gargantuan wooden needles had fair tired Jobe from his mortal  labours . . . . . . . . .  

Jobe and his wife consult with the Great Guru Job Lemon
and verily Jobe said check this out mes braves . . . . . . . . . 

Jobe beats a hasty retreat . . . . . 


  1. Ah yes I remember those times you have pictured here so fondly

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha didn't take you long!? Ha ha ha ha had to share the link . . . . . . as to whether anyone else finds it well that's another matter entirely. Great fun! Thanks for dropping by Jobe!

  3. And verily Johnny C checked it out... and it was good...
