
Saturday, September 19, 2020


Bob Dylan returns with his now legendary Theme Time Radio Hour with a one off episode devoted to Whiskey so a glorified advert for his own presumably but it won't be any the worse for that. The cruelest irony for bloggers is that the man who first made the entire 101 episode series (count 'em this will be the 102nd not as some folk say the 101st as there was a missing episode The Kiss which stood as the 101st and this will thus make it 102), available to us in the UK and elsewhere was a Canadian recovering alcoholic who is much missed from the blogospheres (it's a word! It's a place . . . no really!) Wherever he is we wish him well and, notoriously prickly and intolerant of idiots, he was also a fine musician himself so I hope he is playing and singing in his Canadian home and enjoying himself immensely. 

Still cruel irony notwithstanding its bound sure to be brilliant . . . . . . . . . . . SiriusXM’s Deep Tracks (Ch. 27) as a limited-run pop-up channel on this Monday, September 21 at 12pm ET

SiriusXM - TTRH Announcement!

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