
Sunday, November 15, 2020


B  O  W  I  

Lovely set tonight from Voodoo Wagon of Bowie's first visit to Chile on the Sound and Vision Tour (a favourite album in 'Low' and a tour that had David revisit his classic for the theme of this tour in 1990) and a stunning high quality FLAC set it is to boot! 

Loads of really interesting info about this one from Silent Way and I found covers over at discogs as the ones he had with this highest quality recorded version he says was quite poor. There's a DVD of this too knocking around which conceivably is where this audio grab has originated.

Enjoy! I did . . . . . . . it's a little scorcher!

David Bowie - Santiago CHILE 1990 - Voodoo Wagon

Please note this ROIO is way better quality than this YouTube clipped track! 
Seriously download it now, you won't regret it

the original oddity . . . . . . .


  1. I wish I could pay you for all the work you do promoting our blogs. I have been looking to update some links and have lost DB Rome 96. Did you happen to DL? Also, I don't remember if ive ask before but would you like to contribute occasionally?

  2. Wow Silent Way that is so great to hear from you. Did you get the Bowie from me yet? I sent it morning time here 9+ hours ago now so am a bit concerned as to whether it worked or not. The comment about wishing you could pay me is a delight and really very much appreciated and of course I do this because I have so enjoyed what you and the guys at FBS and VW post and out of love for the music.
    It is a moot point about contributing and is a lengthy issue I may send you an email about it some time soon. It is very kind of you to invite me and for the moment I am quite happy just pottering along as I do. Thanks for all your wonderful posts and thanks the guys at your end for friendship however 'virtual'! Thanks again and do let me know if I might have anything else you may need whenever it may occur. Very best wishes to you
