
Saturday, November 21, 2020


So I couldn't find any music to post this morning so there's this. My art series (occasional) discusses or illustrates some aspects of the art world that surprise or enlighten me. I might claim to be quite knowledge where the visual arts are concerned and consider myself a 'modernist' and regularly find my answers on quizzes like University Challenge are always augmented by the arts. True surprises are there few therefore and I always enjoy new discoveries. This is no exception. I hope this doesn't sound arrogant but please bear in mind it is really all I ever wanted to do from a precocious youngster to a practicing artist myself I found I was always more interested in what everyone else was doing and Fine Art is the subject of my first degree (under the tutelage of Fred Orton the noted historian and composer Gavin Bryars as I frequently mention) It is not meant to sound arrogant and there are huge holes in my knowledge not least the Renaissance and earlier. I am, as I say, nothing if not a modernist . . . . . . . 

Before one of our greatest ever painters found his true voice he was an interior designed and here's an example of his frankly beautiful designs from interiors . . . . the master Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon, ‘Rug’, circa 1929. Wool. 83⅝ x 50⅜ in  © The Estate of Francis Bacon

Firstly check the date. I know he was being creative was early as that! Extraordinary man. Secondly look at this truly beautiful design I might have said 50s even sixties but no 1929!

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