
Sunday, November 01, 2020

Bob Dylan - Field Recordings


So Jobe has posted a 'best of' this morning and a doozie it is too. Those of you mourning the inactive wonderment that is and was A THOUSAND HIGHWAYS Jobe has selected a best of the field recordings thus:

Now the one thing maybe Jobe couldn't say, for obvious reasons maybe, is that one of the great things about Thousand Highways was the notes from CS over there. I found the text introducing each of his peerless compilations as interesting as listening to them (there I said it!

Jobe is right and knows me well enough that I am not so much a fan of audience recordings and this is ironic in that I am of an age that well recalls 'bootlegs' that were basically unplayable. Over a 1000 vinyl boots from 'Record Fairs' the length and breadth of town hals throughout the country. 

Some of my DOORS collection I had offers from the USA from freaks wanting the covers never mind the vinyl (I kid you not, I used to correspond with loads of the freaks who believed Jim Morrison was still live >>sigh<< and once got offered nearly $100 in today's money for a gatefold sleeve Doors double album set WITHOUT the vinyl from a young (well youngish) lady who had a car (a Red Stingray ) with the licence plate L.A.WOMAN!!! I stopped corresponding after they started to get a little schmidgeon 'out there' with their demands! She started sending me photographs of herself sat on the bonnet!! I don't want to see that . . . . . no really!

Still I am now spoiled beyond measure by the remastering and repressing re-recording of boots and if it ain't a soundboard, matrix or studio based outtake, I tend not to bother. There is one exception (well one - ish) and that is the work from CS at THOUSAND HIGHWAYS

They are peerless IMHO

If you aint come across them before Jobe's selection is the BEST place to start!

Voodoo Wagon - BOB DYLAN - Best of Field Recordings - From Thousand Highways


  1. Love your comments about "Unplayable Bootlegs" of which I have many of. You are right about the source of where the Dylan post came from. Did you end up selling The Doors album cover? Man I was hoping this was one you didn't have, but there's probably not a lot of Dylan that you don't have.(Back to the drawing board) Anyway, I love getting the mention from you. The Boss and I have had conversations about this place(TBTNR) and we both are grateful that you help keep our blogs alive. So in closing if that Doors cover is still up for sale I offer $2.67, two broken guitar strings from Bobby Goldsboro, a download from Reliquary, that was "NOT" poached from another site, and Donald Trump's PIN number for access to The Hair Club For Men. I know....I know....pretty tempting huh?

  2. Just a fool for a Red Stingray.....c'mon admit it.....

  3. Jobe - IT's A DEAL!
    Love sharing the stuff we all enjoy too! If it helps increase traffic (which I actually doubt) but you guys are always so generous in your comments. I don't think it really makes much difference but hey . . . . . . gotta keep on keeping on. P.S I didn't sell the cover and will scan it and post sometime.

  4. Sealyman! Your damn right there! Lovely car . . . . the hood ornament not so much ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - again thanks from dropping by and stay safe you guys huh?!
