
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

EMILY BARKER & 'Our Gorongosa Coffee'


Emily has posted a notice on her Facebook page about our (mutual) love of coffee! and as Fairtrade as we can get it!

She posts: 

Musician Emily Barker and entrepreneur Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood share a love of coffee and storytelling. They also share a drive to make a difference, whether that be by small, direct acts, by shining a light on others’ work, or simply by listening and learning. Here they talk about the coffee plantations on Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique and the tree-planting projects of the The Green Belt Movement in Kenya. Both movements are intrinsically connected to the fight for women’s rights and education for girls, as well as the more obvious environmental campaigns. Find out more about Our Gorongosa (and buy their coffee) here: Colonna Coffee - The Green Belt Movement - Filmed and edited by Tom Jacob Thanks Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, Beth Williams and all at Colonna Coffee roastery Emily Kiloh and Matthew Jordan @ Our Gorongosa Lisa Merton and Claire Roth @ The Green Belt Movement Emily Barker's new album "A Dark Murmuration of Words" is out now -

=Stay in touch:

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