
Monday, January 11, 2021

David Bowie on Andy Warhol

 "Andy Warhol looks a scream, hang him on my wall . . . . . "

B  O  W  I  E 

Bowie by Andy Warhol [Polaroid]  - CHRISTIE'S AUCTION  2015

David Bowie Polaroid, by Andy Warhol, September 1971.

Their first meeting at The Factory in New York did not start well. For one, Andy hated David’s song about him, being extremely self-conscious about the awkward appearance that David referenced in it (”Andy Warhol looks a fright” *sic). David meant the song as a tribute, but to Andy, it felt mocking. Oops. So how did they get through this to become friends? 

“It was my shoes that got him,” David said in 2003, shoes which had been given to him by Marc Bolan. “That’s where we found something to talk about. They were these little yellow things with a strap across them, like girls’ shoes. He absolutely adored them. Then I found out that he used to do a lot of shoe designing when he was younger. He had a bit of a shoe fetishism. That kind of broke the ice.”

  edit: original photo source here; story source here Article from Performing Songwriter

"Andy walking, Andy tired

Andy take a little snooze

Tie him up when he's fast asleep

Send him on a pleasant cruise

When he wakes up on the sea

Sure to think of me and you

He'll think about paint and he'll think about glue

What a jolly boring thing to do

Andy Warhol looks a scream

Hang him on my wall

Andy Warhol, Silver Screen

Can't tell them apart at all"


ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987)

Price RealisedUSD 10,000
USD 5,000 - USD 7,000
Closed: 29 Sep 2015

check this live version!!!!!

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