
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

In A Silent Way - Floppy Boot Stomp + Voodoo Wagon

 One of the regulars over at Floppy Boot Stomp (let's face it it's Jobe!) and a fellow  rider of the Voodoo Wagon has noted that the "Boss" ( (who runs both) left him a cryptic note on Sunday morn about being in hospital and so to help generate some positive thoughts, prayers or vibes whichever by preference, he has posted an early David Bowie and a late Lou Reed for our delectation . . . . . . . enjoy . . . . . .I know I did and a message to SW of not so silent support wouldn't go amiss


From Jobe

Lou Reed - A Conspiracy Of Hope 


Lou Reed - Conspiracy of Hope - Floppy Boot Stomp


from Jobe


David Bowie - Strange Fascination - Voodoo Wagon - Here's to the Boss!


  1. Dude you know that's why The Boss and I love you, I know I can always count on you. For the readers of this blog (I'll update the status on The Boss at the other blogs tomorrow) But here's an exclusive for all wondering about him. "Just got back from surgery where they cut scar tissue from my intestines. Can't really talk as they have a tube in my nose down my throat. Feeling 100% better." Remember you read it hear at The Blog Nobody Reads first. I dunno if he wanted me to give out the info but I think he'll cheer up a bit when he sees the outpouring of love from our followers. If he gets mad at me for posting too much information about his ordeal I'll get over it. But for all of you that read this blog and ours my sincerest gratitude for all of your thoughts. I haven't figured out how I'm gonna make it up to you guys, but I'll think of something.

  2. Oh, you know you are most welcome Jobe. Great to hear it seems the "Boss" is on the mend. After what sounds like a most gruelling op. He does strike me as the most intensely private person so will doubtless 'tell you off' ( ha ha ha) but worth it none the less to read the comments on both sites already. He will understand what we all think of the person who makes all that double whammy of ROIOs available to us.
    Keep on truckin' (both)
