
Monday, January 25, 2021

MILES DAVIS in 1959, attacked by police

 I know this has been around for an age but this has been preying on my mind of late. There is an amusing side, at hopefully my own expense, but I recall being shocked by an Interview in Rolling Stone where Miles Davis expressed his distaste for white people and supported the principles of black power and in retrospect at the time I was offended (poor me!) . . . . I might have chosen to dig a little deeper as to why he particularly held the views he did at the time and here is the answer (one amongst many!?)


I was six years old when this took place and blissfully unaware of such things.  Safe and sheltered in my white middle class southern suburban English village had yet to witness or even be aware of such horrendous and entrenched racist violence. Davis will have doubtless faced it or similar every day of his life . . . . . . . 

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