
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Boss is BACK!



 So El Bossi di Tutti Di Cappi is back with us after a little sojourn away that he could really have done without (well maybe not - but all has gone well I hear - you heard it here first in fact!! Thanks Jobe!), but he has recovered and is back amongst us with his floppy boots stomping and careering around on his voodoo wagon!

Check this action!

Joy Division - Rehearsals 1977-80 - Floppy Boot Stomp

Joy Division rehearsals info here:

Joy Division - Nashville Ballroom, London 1979 - Floppy Boot Stomp

Ian Curtis 15 July 1956 – 18 May 1980

New Order - Reading 1998 - Voodoo Wagon

Now there's a gig I'd like to have gone to and despite going to the First Reading Festival (in the city) I missed this one. . . .
Noting the appearance of Keith Allen the actor who is currently just starring in a masterpiece from ITV TV Drama 'The Pembrokeshire Murders' based on a true story and a towering performance from him as per usual!

Happy Birthday to THEM!! 

Voodoo Wagon was started January 11, 2009!! 

Welcome back Boss and hope you are fully recovered! (Jobe on the naughty step of course . . . . I think he should stay there myself but hey . . . . . . .  He SO NAUGHTY!!! 😉

Joy Division - Music Documentary Film 2007

CONTROL - Official Trailer 

If you don't own and have never seen 'CONTROL' then you can leave now . . . . go buy it and I might let you off!


  1. Currently, The Boss has made me bound my wrists, and put a ball-gag in my mouth. Say 15 Hail Mary's and drink 30 Guinness stout within 10 minutes, things are not going well !!!!!!!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha figured as much! (you LOVE it!) Keep on keepin' on Jobe!
