
Sunday, February 07, 2021

J.K. Rowling - On Sex and Gender Issues


On Sex and Gender

For anyone following the vehemence of the backlash against Jo Rowling by sections of the community bent on hurling ‘transphobic’ TERFdom labels around around willy-nilly(sorry!) then there’s this. 
Seriously, for it is a really serious business, the answers come for those willing to listen to what the author has said and done and to listen to what she has to say without a reactionary judgmental hate-fuelled diatribe that results in threats of violence even death threats (who does that remind you of!?) this page (below) is REALLY worth a read. . . . . if in doubt seek the answer from the person concerned and above all . . . . . . . listen!

J.K.Rowling on her reasons for speaking out about sex and gender issues

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