
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Neil Lancaster - Razor Gangs Vs Knife Crime



I don't normally post twitter entries by police detectives (sic!?) - ever?! - that I am aware of but this image caught my eye . . . . . I have been troubled lately, as anyone with any sensibility must be, by the number of knife related deaths perpetrated by youngsters and knife amnesties recently showing machetes and a huge range of frighteningly lethal instruments of death.

 It is the mortality rate that troubles me so much. Back here in the 1920-30s and when I was growing up in Oxford we heard and witnessed knife crimes but was it me or were they very rarely fatal? The razor gangs would do immense damage no doubt and the bravery of this officer here is without question but knife crime per se rarely seem to turn into murders. . . . . . . is it the phenomenal danger of these huge machetes and even swords? The length of ordinary knives vs hunting knives or worse? I don't know but it just occurred to me we heard of many knife crimes but they were truly rarely fatal

Ex Met Police detective and thriller writer. Commentator on TV crime documentaries. Rep'd by . New novel in July pub'd by 
However cool you think you are, you'll never be as cool as the smartly suited, Crombie-wearing, moustachioed Detective Inspector George Johnston tackling a razor wielding thug at a sectarian rally in Glasgow, fag still clamped between his lips in 1971... Legend.

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