
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Joni Mitchell addict, yet another deluded smoker!


What do you notice about pictures of Mitchell smoking from phots to paintings , album covers and the like? Is Joni in reverie, on the ecstatic edge of bliss somehow? As many shots of her throughout her life she is not seen without her drug of choice these days; a cigarette! In certain shots alone I count ELEVEN cigarettes! It would be funny if it were not so desperately sad. She self admittedly described smoking as one of the few pleasures in life which of course it isn't.!

 [*Carr can prove it for those in any doubt!]

To even paint your own self portrait smoking is quite some assertive statement 

This is not marijuahana, not opium, not the smoke of dreams and introspection. Why smoking tobacco makes one stink like an old ashtray, dirty filthy habit as so many know and recall and I imagine nobody would wishes to kiss her anymore as what with the delusional parasitosis, Morgellon's syndrome craziness, knowing she also stinks like the old ubiquitous smoking room when they were popular nay essential and considered a human right to partake of you carcinogenic addiction and the bottom of the “dog end” fire bucket would not induce the most ardent admirer to be seduced by this tragic stinking vision!

Now the sad fact remains that cigarette smoking is no longer a rebellious act, not cool or stylish and American Tobacco must love our Joni for she is rarely pictured without one! Can she really defiantly stand by presenting this action, her addiction, STILL as some kind of statement of cool?  It isn't . . . it's sad and rather pathetic. I know I was once like her . . . . . A professional smoker from 14, (she beats me hands down at starting the disgusting habit aged 9 she maintains!)

** not the BEST choice for an album cover but hey . . . . . .

I once criticised a ROIO for noting that Joni was smoking on the cover, fag to mouth** and I was pounced upon by trolls and pro smokers, pro freedom of choice brigade so vehemently that I was astonished. The brainwashing that Alan Carr, no not THAT Alan Carr, the 'Easy Way To Stop Smoking'* guy would have it is complete here and it is little more than sad, that in her sixties it was said "why she is unlikely to stop now"! Why? I did and it’s frankly the best thing I ever did the day I woke up!  Carr’s central psychological de-programming consists of twenty questions I  hallenge her and any ardent smoker (addict) to answer any of them HONESTLY

She is a walking advert for the addiction to nicotine that the tobacco companies must really LOVE 

Given she must have clearance on all images of her does she seriously think this looks attractive? Interesting? Cool?

"I have smoked since I was nine, so obviously it didn't affect my early work that much." - my underlining! 

And then she diverts into a rambling reminiscence of childhood in the remote farming community of Saskatoon. "I would grab my tobacco and get on my bike, looking for a beautiful place, a grove of trees or a field, and go amongst the bushes and smoke and that always gave me a sense of well being." When the addiction takes hold that early it is indeed hard to shake  . . . . . ever the social pariah as in now too the smoker must hide away unless vaping vast clouds of nicotine in imitation fags or pieces of futuristic machinery . . . still not cool and please find a discreet corner in the bushes away from the rest of us to practice your filthy habit!

(I know and although she beats me in idiocy by 5 years I was addicted for 47 years so know whereof I speak!)

Finally getting the message and reading a life saving book (it takes about a weekend to save your life) and after a miserable relapse, read it once more and the penny dropped. Answer Carr's simple and sort of obvious de-programming questions and you will realise that you have been brainwashed all your life by the most addictive and fastest acting substance we have ever perpetrated on each other. Not only that but the tobacco business has had to treat this vegetable matter with several thousand other substances in order to make it more addictive, to stop them from going out ( so you smoke more) and includes formaldehyde and carbon mono-oxide and you realise even the natural occurring weed must be made more addictive for it to works its evil. Couple of 'tabs' and you're hooked! 7 seconds later and you need to hit it again! (I kid you not) the only thing you are doing when smoking is ingesting more nicotine to salve the addiction to the last inhalation! Boy the nicotine company really saw us coming repackaging it as 'vaping' so that whole shops have spring up selling the flavoured wares and 'equipment' again funny were it not so desperately sad! Each drag a means of solving the withdrawal from the last one thus the impact of the drug! . . . . 

Smoker: Read the book you won't be disappointed! It's EASY!

Struggle with the book? Or not succeeding on your own there are numerous therapeutic centres to help de-programme you! Get rid of that brainwashing today! (see below)

but then you have to have some massive ego to think you are parallel to Vincent Van Gogh

Mitchell’s chosen brand (it is said) is laughable as they all pretty much are but “American Spirit” particularly pretentious not say offensive. It is said she has switched to e-cigarettes now (why IS that Ms Mitchell? Trying to give up!? Your chosen mode of delivery of your addiction to nicotine is aimed principally at children (check out the fruity flavours) and misguidedly is still being vaunted as the only method of reducing by doctors and our very own NHS here and this towards giving up, it isn’t! It REALLY isn’t!

Allen Carrs easyway is clinically proven and drug free

Allen Carr’s Easyway method has been clinically proven in two randomised controlled trials. The results show it to be as good as, if not better than the UK’s gold standard NHS 1-1 Stop Smoking Service1 and almost twice as effective as the Irish Governments service2 . It does not require the use of any drugs or nicotine products.


  1. i'm pretty sure her decades of smoking brought on Joni's brain aneurysm , which has left her greatly diminished. I think Joni is a woman of high intelligence and cannot believe she was this reckless with her health.

  2. I agree!
    I would love to know Ms Mitchell's response to the Alan Carr list of questions contained within his book and don't want to get evangelical about it but it saved my live! the result was the lifting of a veil of mind control by nicotine. The 20 questions are irrefutably the solution to a life time's brain washing by the tobacco industry
    The connection between that and her brain aneurism is an interesting one but I am not sufficiently knowledgeable around the science there and yet the health effects are indisputable after a certain length of time

    Thanks so much for your comment and for dropping by Lady 7
