
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Kathryn Williams' debut novel - 'The Ormering Tide'

'The Ormering Tide"

Debut novel by singer songwriter Kathryn Williams. . . . . well let's face it she is a polymath! Fine artist too! 

Primarily known for her wonderful songwriting and singing skills, Kathryn is a multitalented artist whose Facebook pages are a joy. She is funny and witty with a beautiful voice and exquisite guitar skills and her drawings which I got to know through her Facebook are superb too. I am super excited to receive this morning her debut novel 'The Ormering Tide' which is going to be great fun, I can tell after just reading the prologue!

I am delighted with my signed copy and didn't expect it to have inscribed "with love" and the great signature! She is so caring of her fan base and this made my day and raised a smile too!

kathryn williams here . . . .

Kathryn on Facebook here . . . . .

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