
Wednesday, April 07, 2021

GARY WINOGRAND - One of the World's greatest photographers


New York World's Fair, 1964 - Gary Winogrand

I am not entirely sure why but this photograph by master photographer Gary Winogrand is one of the greatest modern compositions ever taken. I think it is a part of the 'decisive moment' school as first mooted by Henri Cartier-Bresson that here is the most perfect composition I have ever seen and it has stayed on in the memory for years ever since I first saw it. Compositionally it is near perfect, the body language revealed and the gestures of the figures sat outdoors on the bench are so beguiling to the eye they allow for a near perfect travel across the picture that it is possible to achieve.

Vanity Fair magazine out it this way:

New York World’s Fair, 1964. This is one of Winogrand’s most iconic images. There’s a heroic classicism to the way he shot these women, as if they were muses or minor deities—the Goddesses of Gossip, Exhaustion, Flirtation, and so on. Or maybe this is Da Vinci’s last supper, reenacted by teenagers in Flushing Meadows

More here in the magazine:


  1. Jesus Dude, you try to provide something that doesn't show up everyday and people still got to let you know it's not original. Instead of just taking my Beatles post for what it's worth some moron has to tell you that it comes from this or it comes from that. I see that "Gary" makes sure to let me know where it came from but he doesn't give you a link or a clue on how to obtain it. As The Dirty Knobs say "FUCK THAT GUY" I'm really starting to think that maybe my blogging days are coming to an end.
    Thanks for letting me vent.
    From one guy who reads this blog everyday

  2. I take your point Jobe! Vent away my friend!. The Beatles you posted is cool as . . . . . . . as 'he' only mentions all bootleg (or ROIOs) sources anyway we can go ahead and share anyway can't we!? It's really good quality and great fun. I was going to pop over and say so but have to change web browser in order to comment! (sheesh! I know right!!!) sorry venting myself now! ha ha ha ha ha . . . .
    Catch ya inna bit bro
    Keep on keeping on and always remember Illegitimi non carborundum!
    Thanks for dropping by . . . . . . :)
