
Sunday, May 09, 2021

Roger Dean - From Asia to Osibisa to Yes the cover artist and fine art master

Roger Dean

Roger Dean was a part of everyone's (of a certain age) album cover art coming of age, from fans of Osibisa (where I came in) and Yes to name but two. Poster artist without peer! I loved his sci-fi illustration so that when I had the opportunity to have him come to promote one of his books at the bookshop I ran in Oxford for over ten years I jumped at it and lo and behold, one of the nicest people I have ever met. A real stream of freaks and 'heads' that were into psychedelic art (you know who you are) when using that album cover to roll your strange cigarettes on, came to get the books signed and a remarkable plethora of old albums! Roger didn't mind signing even for those who weren't buying (or couldn't afford) the book but wanted their copy of Yessongs signed. Lovely man and great artist actually . . . . . . . even if you call it illustration. A master of his art


Osibisa - Woyaya

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