
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Roxy Music Rehearsals 1982 - Voodoo Wagon

   As they mentioned my lack of support (or sort of, . . .  lets say web presence) and wondered where I'd gone . . . . . . .[musical taste is a funny thing ain't it?] Here's another nice set from the Voodoo Wagon crew, from Brother Jobe


Bert Hardy shot for the advert for Strand cigarettes - the kiss of death in suggesting that you were never alone with a Strand meant the sole smoker was a lone figure with no friends proved a disaster!

post Brian Eno, hence my largely indifferent response, this is a fine quality set of rehearsal tapes and highly listenable . . . . . . . I am minded of the reaction of father of Pop Art, Richard Hamilton and his partner Rita Donagh to Bryan Ferry when I told them he had paid homage to Richard and Duchamp in Roxy's oeuvre. ('The Bride Stripped Bare' is a straight lift) They both expressed surprise, Richard somewhat bemused and largely ignorant of what ever it was Roxy and Bryan were trying to do and Rita even more confused as fellow students at Newcastle they both said he showed little sign of interest in what Richard was doing when he taught there, some thing of a dilettante they thought (style over substance perhaps?) . . . . ( this always makes me laugh . . . . .) still, Do The Strand eh? 

Roxy Music Tour Rehearsals 1982 - Voodoo Wagon

But then it does appear to have taken three people to replace our Brian!? . . . . .  ha ha ha ha ha 

and remember 

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