
Thursday, July 08, 2021

John Cale KICKS OFF!


John Cale - VPRO Studio, Hilversum, The Netherlands, September 10, 1975 (or 1974?)

In the mid-1980s, John Cale released a live album called John Cale Comes Alive! This radio broadcast from the mid-1970s is more like John Cale Comes Undone! The songwriter is in an angry, combative mood, arguing with the Dutch DJ, refusing to answer his questions, giving him a very hard time. Not coincidentally, Cale also sounds very drunk, barely able to get through performances of various tunes like “Child’s Christmas In Wales,” “Mr. Wilson” and “All I Want Is You.” Wildest of all is the deeply scary “Heartbreak Hotel,” with Cale on an impossibly detuned acoustic guitar. The closing 18-minute improv is particularly harrowing, too, some kind of nervous breakdown happening here. But it’s also very entertaining, naturally. 

Notes: I’ve seen this broadcast listed as taking place in both 1974 and 1975 — I’m going to go with the Werksman site, but I could be wrong! It has happened once or twice before. Also, the recording is a little bass-y and boom-y, making it hard to make out exactly what Cale and the DJ are talking about. It might not be the recording’s fault though, they are both sloshed. 

(Reblogged from doomandgloomfromthetomb)


Sentimental . . . . . . . .fool!

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