
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Dario Argento Interviews Pink Floyd - DANGEROUS MINDS



Let’s get a few fun facts out of the way before we take a look at the eight or so awkward minutes shared between Pink Floyd vocalist and guitarist David Gilmour, drummer Nick Mason and Italian horror master, Dario Argento. For Pink Floyd, 1987 was a new beginning without bassist Roger Waters—a founding member of the Floyd along with Nick Mason. After years of legal hassles, the Waterless version of Pink Floyd released A Momentary Lapse of Reason. The subsequent tour (which started before the album was completed), was full of challenges, legal and otherwise. When it was all said and done, the tour in support of A Momentary Lapse of Reason would be the most successful U.S. rock tour of 1987. And that’s saying something, as David Bowie’s Glass Spider tour played 44 U.S. dates that same year. When it comes to Dario Argento and his relationship with Pink Floyd, we go back to 1975 when Italy’s version of Alfred Hitchcock tried, unsuccessfully, to engage the band to record the soundtrack for Profondo Rosso (aka, Deep Red, and The Hatchet Murders) as they were deep in work on their ninth album, Wish You Were Here. This, of course, didn’t turn out to be a bad thing. It gave us all the gift that is Italian prog-rock pioneers, Goblin, who were engaged to rewrite the score composed by Giorgio Gaslini, who had previously composed the score for Argento’s 1973 film The Five Days. It would also leave room for Argento’s collaboration with Keith Emerson of ELP, who composed the insanely good soundtrack for Argento’s 1980 film Inferno

Now, let’s get back to the eight minutes of international time-delayed satellite video connection which had to be translated live in Italy and New York City. You might want to sit down because the combination of Dario Argento and members of Pink Floyd can make one quite dizzy. 

Dario Argento was perpetually busy in the 1970s and 1980s. But he still somehow found time to do a self-hosted television show in Italy called Gli incubi di Dario Argento (The Nightmares of Dario Argento). Only nine episodes of The Nightmares of Dario Argento were filmed as part of the television series Giallo. He was often joined by Italian actress Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni dolled up like Siouxsie Sioux. You may recall, Cataldi-Tassoni was the star of Argento’s 1987 film, Opera. Though it’s a little unclear exactly when this segment aired, Pink Floyd was noted to be in New York City at the time. Since the video shows both Gilmore and Mason staying at the Ritz Carlton’s Central Park location, that would probably put the filming of this magic mushroom moment sometime during their three-night stint at Madison Square Garden. At the beginning of the “interview” Argento praises A Momentary Lapse of Reason, calling the album “stupendous.” Then, Argento’s complex, esoteric questions seem to mystify both Gilmour and Mason—and the live translation, which at times is not accurate, does not help matters one bit. I don’t want to reveal any more of what goes down in this very strange video, but had Roger Waters seen it back in the day, it would have pissed off his already very pissed off self.

David Bowie - SERIOUS MOONLIGHT 1983 - Fresh & Alive

 So we'll start the new week (there's been a long weekend here with a public holiday yesterday) with another David Bowie from the collection over at Fresh and Alive

B  O  W   E  

David Bowie - Serious Moonlight Tour 1983 - Fresh & Alive

F&A says:

On April 14, 1983, David Bowie released the album Let's Dance, which had been co-produced by Chic's Nile Rodgers. The album reached number 4 on the Billboard charts in the United States, while it rose to number 1 in the United Kingdom. The title track reached # 1 on the charts on both sides of the Atlantic! Two other singles, Modern Love and China Girl, made the top 20 hits in the US, and both rose to No. 2 on the UK charts. The album also featured guitar work by a then unknown Stevie Ray Vaughn! The Lets Dance and China Girl videos were widely broadcast on MTv, helping to build the 2-year-old network and introducing Bowie to a new generation of fans. In 1983, Bowie had become one of the most important video artists of the moment. In May, Bowie launched the Serious Moonlight Tour in support of Lets Dance, which spanned 96 shows before ending in December. This FM broadcast captures Bowie during that tour on July 13, 1983, 29 years ago today, in Montreal, Canada.

David Bowie - vocals, guitar; David LeBolt - keyboards; Lenny Pickett - saxophone; Stan Harrison - baritone sax; Steve Elson - tenor sax; Carlos Alomar - guitar; Earl Slick - lead guitar; Carmen Rojas - bass; Tony Thompson - drums; George and Frank Simms - backing vocals.

Again the quality of these eighties and nineties boots s little short of astonishing. This one is no exception. Enjoy I know I did!?

My Little China Girl

Saturday, August 28, 2021




 Charlie's spare style of drumming always fascinated me and there is a thing he does with the snare and the hi-hat where he never hits them together on the same beat. This is quite unique. Some drummers would find it odd some less experienced might have the temerity to criticise him for it but it lends him a looseness somehow that frees up the right hand. The left hand is rock SOLID!! As are his feet. The heart of the beat and like a freakin' metronome. . .That thing cannot be underestimated and given he is a jazz drummer in a rock band (the greatest?!) it lends to their totally unique sound and for everyone else in the band even the horn section here but especially the guitarists (Keith I'm looking at you) gives then something so solid to fall back on they can underestimate him!

Steve Albini put it better than I but he noticed it too check out his twitter feed

"I've always loved the quirk of his playing that he never hits the snare drum and hi-hat at the same time. Even timekeeping, he lifts his right hand out of the way so he can get a full whack on the snare. It adds a buoyancy to his playing that is utterly his, utterly unique."

"I want to tell you 'bout Texas radio and the big beat
Comes out of the Virginia swamps
Cool and slow with plenty of precision
With a back beat narrow and hard to master

Jim Morrison

Friday, August 27, 2021

Paul McCartney- Rareties 1969 - 2003 - Floppy Boot Stomp


Well, Enoch has gone into overdrive today and loaded a McCartney rarities compilation covering 34 years of material over 8 discs (count 'em!) Astonishing collection while for completists maybe it is well worth checking out and at that size there is always going to be something of interest to the hard core fan and Beatle maniac alike! Rehearsals, b-sides, soundchecks and unreleased material combine to make this a must have . . . . . . . . check site for Tracklists. It's MEGA

You might even say MEGA MACCA!



  O ★  I  E

Another nice set from Fresh and Alive today of Bowie from the nineties on the Sound and Vision Tour and coming into his creative peak to me.

again stunning quality and fine interesting set from the maestro during the Sound and Vision tour at The Forum in Montreal! This was the second night of the tour starting in Canada and ending up seven months later having toured seven continents winding up in Buenos Aires South America. It is said Bowie was less than happy with this 'greatest hits' tour and sometimes didn't even turn up for soundcheck. Keyboard player Fox is said to have been the least invested in the tour and sometimes could be found playing his own songs to himself when he played or mimed to recordings of his own prerecorded parts on stage!


David Bowie – vocals, guitar, saxophone

Adrian Belew – guitar, backing vocals, music director

Erdal Kızılçay – bass guitar, backing vocals

Rick Fox – keyboards, backing vocals

Michael Hodges – drums

Track List: 

Disc 1:

  • Space Oddity
  • Changes
  • TVC 15
  • Rebel Rebel
  • Golden Years
  • Be My Wife
  • Ashes To Ashes
  • John, I'm Only Dancing
  • Queen Bitch
  • Fashion
  • Life on Mars
  • Blue Jean
  • Stay
  • Ziggy Stardust

Disc 2:

  • Sound and Vision
  • Station To Station
  • Alabama Song
  • Young Americans
  • Panic in Detroit
  • Suffragette City
  • Heroes
  • The Jean Genie
  • Pretty Pink Rose
  • Modern Love
  • Rock 'N' Roll Suicide

David Bowie Live - Montreal 1990 - Fresh and Alive

Charlie Watts Tribute - Urbanaspirines


Charlie Watts Quintet - Tribute to Charlie Parker '92 - Urbanaspirines 

A nice tribute to Charlie Watts over at Urbanaspirines this morning. His jazz album A Tribute To Charlie Parker covered here from Ronnie Scott's. Really well written as always . . . . . . nice

Really worth a listen if you shared Charlie's taste for Jazz from the best Rock n Roll drummer in the world

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Nat Myers - Album update! - Live tracks, Gosh darn done broke a string!


Nat Myers 'Hobo Wine & Remedy Blues' New Album 2/09/2021

buy the albums here . . . . . the new one should be abou' fully cooked around 2nd Sept

Lay Me a Rusty Pallet on Your Floor

Hobo Wine Blues

Nat says: 
  • Pre-order of Hobo Wine & Remedy Blues. You get 7 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
    releases September 2, 2021

Steve Earle - Radio Sessions 2002 -2007 - Floppy Boot Stomp

Steve Earle - Radio Sets 2002-2007 - Floppy Boot Stomp

Great quality (being FM broadcast quality) and really interesting source for this document of Steve at his very best loaded by friend Jobe over at Floppy Boot Stomp [where n the heck else?!]

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Nanci Griffith - The Last of The True Believers - Desperadoes Waiting For a Train - Aquarium Drunkard

Lovely article and tribute to Nanci Griffith here from the Aquarium!

The Last of The True Believers - Nanci Griffith - Aquarium Drunkard


On the July 21st, 1998 episode of The Late Show with David Letterman, a murderer’s row of country and folk songwriters were arranged on the stage. They were performing Guy Clark’s “Desperados Waiting for a Train,” and Clark himself was there to kick things off. Jerry Jeff Walker, Steve Earle, Rodney Crowell, Jimmy Dale Gilmore, and Eric Taylor would also take turns singing, but the central figure, the reason all of these songwriters were there, was the lone woman on stage:Nanci Griffith.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Nanci Griffith walked a very fine line that can be difficult as an artist. Her songs contained politics just in the very nature of being about humans and humanity. But while it was obvious that some of her songs were about her own experiences, so many others were about the people out there that she met, knew or otherwise saw. And that widescreen view of what life is about is a huge part of what made her music endearing and relatable across generations. Sometimes empathy can be some of the most radical politics of all.

"Thanks for the wisdom, Nanci." |article by  j neas

From the Turntable - BOB DYLAN - After The Heart Attack '97


Bob Dylan - Wolf Trap Vienna 1997 - 'After The Heart Attack'! 

A fascinating beauty and while it takes a while for the levels to be adjusted once the taper finds the level it evens out a treat and is highly listenable 

'So Many' says:

In May 1997, while on tour in the US, Bob Dylan was forced to cancel numerous dates after being hospitalized for a potentially fatal chest infection, called histoplasmosis. Since Dylan had embarked on what he called the Never Ending Tour in 1988, his 1997 hospital stay was been his longest break from  playing live. Dylan recovered, and continued to tour the US throughout August. This soundboard recording captures Dylan in Vienna VA, on August 23, 1997 

Check it out you won't be disappointed!



They have posted a six (count 'em) album history of the Pretty Things, Phil May was an early hero and the reason why I let my hair grow long whilst still at school . . . . . . . . . I bought several singles early on but SF left me . . . . . . . I preferred the R'n'B stuff 

The Pretty Things 

Worth a read too interesting notes as ever but as complete a history as we'll get thanks to Auntie

TRAINSPOTTING - Renton sums up . . . . . . .

“The world is changing, music is changing, drugs are changing, even men and women are changing. One thousand years from now there’ll be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me.”

Trainspotting (1996)
Danny Boyle

Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Fillmore West
aka - The Byrds Go West
San Francisco, CA
January 4, 1970  

Early & Late Show Liberated Main Stream bootle


Early Show 

01 You Ain't Going Nowhere
02 I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better
03 Old Blue
04 You All Look Alike
05 Positively 4th Street
06 Jesus Is Just Alright
07 Mr Spaceman
08 It's All Over Now Baby Blue
09 Soldier's Joy
10 Turn! Turn! Turn!
11 Mr Tambourine Man
12 Eight Miles High - improvisation
13 Eight Miles High
14 Hold It

Late Show

01 tune up
02 I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better
03 This Wheel's On Fire
04 Positively 4th Street
05 Roll Over Beethoven
06 Honky Tonk Medley
07 So You Want To Be A Rock 'n' Roll Star
08 You Don't Miss Your Water
09 Jesus Is Just Alright
10 Nashville West
11 Turn! Turn! Turn!
12 Mr Tambourine Man (incomplete)
13 Eight Miles High
14 He Was A Friend Of Mine
15 Hold It

The BYRDS Live! - Fillmore West 1970 - Floppy Boot Stomp

EIGHT MILES HIGH! Fillmore East 1970

BRITISH REGGAE! - The BEAT and Musical Youth - Voodoo Wagon


Photo the legendary Chester Simpson

Musical Youth


Tracklisting excluding advert breaks:

01.  The Beat - I Confess

02. The Beat - Jeanette

03. The Beat - Tears Of A Clown

04. The Beat - Save It For Later

10. The Beat - The End Of The Party 

15. The Beat - Twist and Crawl

16. The Beat - Ranking Full Stop

17  The Beat - Mirror In The Bathroom

01. Musical Youth - Instrumental

02. Musical Youth - Children of Zion

03. Musical Youth - Mirror Mirror

04. Musical Youth - Young Generation

05. Musical Youth - Youth Of Today

06. Musical Youth - Love Me

07. Musical Youth - School Girl

08. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie

09. Musical Youth - Never Gonna Give You  Up

The 'English' Beat known solely as The Beat in the UK here play a seven track gig

Musical Youth were a one hit wonder really though accomplished in their own right eventually 'Pass The Dutch' was their only real chart showing. Give them a go you might be surprised

draftervoi over at Voodoo Wagon says:

English Beat recorded at the Boston Opera House, Boston, MA on November 19, 1982.
Musical Youth recorded at the Ritz, New York City, New York, on April 10, 1983.

Live shows by Musical Youth are rare; there's nothing up at Guitars 101.  There are two songs on this that may be unreleased: tracks 23 "Instrumental" and 33 "Love Me."  I was unable to match them up with any released songs.  If one of our Beloved Audience knows more, please leave a comment.

I tracked down the date of the Musical Youth show by using and I've included a .jpg of the article  I also found a "Getty Image" of David Johansen with Musical Youth backstage at the Ritz on April 10, 1983, which provides a second source for the date.  

A longer version of the English Beat show is available for download (for a small fee) at Wolfgang's Concert Vault.

Two of the Budweiser commercials are by Joe Jackson and A Flock of Seagulls..  The first Bud commercial (Track 2) sounds like....someone.  I can't place it, but I think it's some early 80s pop rock group....does anyone recognize it?

This is the first time Frank Cody shows up as an announcer.  His WIKI says he's ""Smooth Jazz's Leading Alchemist" and "The Father of Smooth Jazz.

Check out the links to The Beat and Rankin Roger who we have mentioned before . . . . . . 


DON EVERLY R.I.P. 1937 - 2021

Don Everly of the iconic rock ‘n’ roll duo the Everly Brothers died on August 21 at the age of 84 at his home in Nashville. The singer’s family told the Los Angeles Times through a spokesperson this Saturday that he had passed on that day. However, cause of death was not disclosed. His death comes seven years after he lost his brother Phil, with whom he formed the iconic rock ‘n’ roll duo that rocketed them both to stardom. ‘Don lived by what he felt in his heart,’ his family said in a public statement marking his death over the weekend. ‘Don expressed his appreciation for the ability to live his dreams… with his soulmate and wife, Adela, and sharing the music that made him an Everly Brother.’ -

+ + + + +

PHIL EVERLY R.I.P 1939-2014

On January 3, 2014, Phil Everly, a lifelong smoker, died in the Los Angeles suburb of Burbank at the age of 74. Phil died of complications from lung disease, his wife, Patti, told the Los Angeles Times. Phil Everly and his brother Don made up the Everly Brothers, one of the biggest pop acts of the 1950s and early 1960s. The pair had an onstage breakup in 1973 that led to a decade-long estrangement, but Phil later told Time magazine the brothers’ relationship had survived this. “Don and I are infamous for our split,” Phil said, “but we’re closer than most brothers,” the BBC reported. The Everly Brothers were elected to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame in its first year, 1986, and they were given a lifetime achievement award at the Grammys in 1997.

We posted this the other day for Nanci and I noted then that she had Don on backing vocals so its worth posting again

The Everly Brothers have left the building . . . . . . . . . . .

Don MacLean on working with Nanci Griffith



"I worked with her on a TV special we did for PBS TV and on that show, we sang two duets. They were 'And I Love You So' and 'Raining In My Heart'.

"I never heard anyone sing harmony in a more beautiful way. We should have done an album together. At this taping in Austin, Texas she brought her father to see it. I really loved her spirit - it was warm and loving and I'm really sorry to hear she has gone."

- Don McLean, August 14, 2021.

Don and Nanci - Raining In My Heart (Live in Austin, Texas)

Nanci and Don - And I Love You So


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Bob Dylan - Live in Bernalillo 2002 - Voodoo Wagon

 Now we're talking! Let's have some Bobby for the weekend! Thanks to brother Jobe over at The Voodoo Wagon we have this curio! 

"Lil voodoo wagon, lil red bike, I ain't no monkey but I know what I like . . . . . "

As he says 

"I'm pretty sure this is a Voodoo Wagon exclusive. First off Bernalillo is a small town in New Mexico. This was recorded at an Native American casino. Second, normally I don't like to post audience recordings. However this one features a couple of songs Zimmy rarely played. So this is more for it's historical content than something you would throw on at your next pot party. So the recording is not that great but it's not that bad's a F***ING BOOT so what do you expect. 


Well we DID!

'To Be Alone With You'! Awesome! Adjust your graphic equaliser if you must (I just turned it UP!) but this is well worth having! 

It rocked my socks!

Bob Dylan Live in Bernalillo OCT 25th 2002 - Voodoo Wagon