
Monday, August 09, 2021

David Bowie - Labyrinth tribute - Aquarium Drunkard - VIDEODROME

B  O  W  I  

A lovely tribute to David Bowie through the 'Videodrome' at Aquarium Drunkard with a look at 'Labyrinth' with Jennifer Connolly who it seemed didn't really know who Bowie was at the time . . . . . . . . 

Jareth The Goblin King - David Bowie in Labyrinth - Videodrome, Aquarium Drunkard

Beautifully written and by a clear true fan, A fan of many children's films this is right up there in favourites and will still watch it now well into my sixties. 
I still haven’t fully come to grips with the fact that Bowie is gone. Like many who grew up with his records and movies, I felt like I lost a life-long friend. I know it’s a silly sentiment considering I never met the man. The alien. The vampire. Whatever he was. But I did grow up with him, even if only through his artifacts. If I wasn’t glued to my families Zenith tubed television watching Labyrinth, I was looking through my dad’s record collection, which included a well-worn copy of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars. I eventually put two and two together. Jareth was Ziggy, and Bowie was…?

 . . . . . . All these years later, I still can’t believe that he’s gone forever. But then I remind myself of one of the keynote lyrics from Labyrinth’s soundtrack: “It’s only forever/It’s not long at all.” And every time I see an owl, the child in me can’t help but wonder… |
 e hehr 

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