
Saturday, August 07, 2021

Scarlett Johansson - bemoans her fate!

“You work hard making independent films for fourteen years and you get voted best breasts.” at least 2006 -2009 onward

-- Scarlett Johansson

Johansson films ranked - Vulture

ouch looks uncomfortable at best!

And yet there they are Scarlett! Displayed regularly and frequently they are pretty much unavoidable!

Maybe next time they are so openly on display ask her how the breast feeding is going? Or even a Dennis Pennis job of asking 

"Do you think if the part warranted it you would consider keeping your clothes on in a film?"

 I have always found Scarlett Johansson a funny fish. She is curiously vacant and bland and yet her face does seem to lend itself to being painted a la movies she makes. There is a vacancy that tells us little and I have yet to see any (or much) evidence that she can act. Specialising it seems in Science Fiction especially of late she is yet to fulfil her earlier promise. Even the Woody Allen films do little to shatter the illusion that there is really very little going on despite the lights being on!

“SodaStream is a company that is not only committed to the environment, but to building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine, supporting neighbours working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma'ale Adumim factory every working day.” 

Zionists would say that their factory is in the occupied zone! The geographic location of Ma'ale Adummim also infringes the collective right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Soda Stream vs Oxfam? Hmmm tough one! Ludicrous position to lose a moral argument over. Universally respected charity supporting the third world and starving millions respected the world over versus a 80's throwback defunct home fizzy pop making machine!?

Make your mind up! The sexual objectification of women and especially actors in the media who somehow seem to at once maintain feminist principles whilst maintaining the over heightened sexualisation of self image by indulging in more  revealing photoshoots than most Instagram obsessive. 

at best pigeon toed and at some earlier stage in the Marvel 'work' she seems unable to run, she could do with some lessons, not least in acting (did she study her craft?), it would be worth making a list of her films as it doesn't exactly instil confidence in her acting skills see above the Vulture list which is at best generous!). They are hardly fulfilling the early promise that 'Lost in Translation' seemed to imply

again looks uncomfortable does that hurt!?

Seriously?! Good grief you think you stand apart from the glamour and the sexual display? Over sexualised images of women surrounds us everywhere and she is a part of that and then some. 

"never been my style . . . "

“Contrary to popular belief, I'm not promiscuous. There does seem to be a mistaken belief out there that I am sexually available somehow — which is not to say that I'm not open-minded about sex.” 

“I get tested for HIV twice a year.... One has to be socially aware. It's part of being a decent human to be tested for STDs. It's just disgusting behaviour when people don't. It's so irresponsible.” 

What are you a porn star!? Who gets tested for HIV twice a year? Promiscuous people that’s who


  1. C'mon Andy, don't 'knock' them - they look great, and besides she's a great actress. She's up there with Pamela Anderson as possibly the greatest actresses of all time. I know you're gonna say what have they done? Seriously, they're (all 4 of them!) terrific. Best I quit now before I get charged with sexism!!!!
    Keep up the good work. Your (dirty ol') neighbour!! DD

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha brilliant! Thanks for dropping by Diamond neighbour!
