
Friday, August 06, 2021

The Great Seal Bug!



The Great Seal bug also known as ‘The Thing

In 1945, a group of Soviet school children presented a US Ambassador with a carved US Seal as a gesture of friendship. It hung in his office for seven years before discovering it contained a listening device.  

It had no moving or electronic parts, it merely resonated at a frequency that could be detected by surveillance gear in a nearby building. 

It was invented by Leon Theremin, the creator of the theremin.

The existence of the bug was discovered accidentally in 1951 by a British radio operator at the British embassy who overheard American conversations on an open radio Soviet air force radio traffic channel as the Soviets were beaming radio waves at the ambassador’s office. 

How dumb are we in the West? You mean in Russia a gift like that was given under the auspices of being from a bunch of Soviet school kids and no-one thought to have it checked out or scanned for bugs? SEVEN years?! They have the 70’s Austen Powers temerity to stab people in Britain with umbrellas! Now you understand why they thought we would fall for the ‘tourist’ story from the Salisbury poisoners!!! 

Good grief the Soviets must laugh their socks off at us!

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