
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Eric Clapton - his thoughts on COVID 19 and the vaccine

             In all fairness I guess it seems only relevant to show Eric Clapton's interview explaining his attitude to Covid 19 after I had posted so many digs. Though actually I am not entirely sure about this if it drives anyone to reconsider the medical efficacy of getting the vaccine (Clapton has had both!) Upon the advice of his NHS GP he had the treatment but his rambling incoherent 'ordinary Joe' response is hardly to be trusted!?

              Make of it what you will but one is left wondering what his view of the real science is! ? Why consult an architect? Because he\'s a friend? Why don't you ask Neil De Grasse-Tyson? You're a rock star you could ask someone who actually knows what they're talking about!

What does he think about childhood inoculations? Polio? Measles Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae type b, polio and hepatitis B infections? All his children and indeed he too will have had the 6 in 1 inoculations. What's his attitude to Rotavirus? We're inoculated against that too as babies. Meningitis and sepsis? Yup those too! This is how we have managed to get rid of most of them and certainly under control. Measles it should be noted is on the rise after the spread of something that has no vaccine, conspiracy theories on the internet! If you don't understand mass inoculation and how it works then ask your GP!

                He sadly deems to have no social concern and lacks even the basic understanding of the science behind inoculations  How does he think measles is on the rise again!? People making their own minds up!?

                As I have been very critical and still am, it seemed only fair to put this interview out there but it is ultimately very sad to listen to a 76 year old man discussing his health and the reactions to his doing as he was told by his GP to having the injections! He did it "for his children" apparently! What does that even mean? Will be very interesting to see if does have a back up booster as he says he won't but then we haven't yet been asked to

This vid seems especially dated so apologies to anyone more up to date on the ongoing diatribe and he does mention the Great Barrington Declaration as almost an aside like many conspiracy theorists, you know, casually name dropping his sources when in fact it is merely a "pre-vaccine" statement of the conditions of engagement meant to encourage the almost eugenicist's line on 'herd immunity' which any scientist (politicians even!) worth his salt is avoiding, the GBD whose call for ‘focussed protection’ for those at risk from coronavirus and a return to "normal" life for all others has been widely criticised by numerous public health bodies including the World Health Organisation. 


  1. Take COVID 19 seriously, whoever and wherever you are.
    It has killed hundred's of thousands of people worldwide.
    It is NOT a conspiracy.
    Take the vaccine, it should save your life.
    Be considerate of others- they have \ right to life , never mind
    some worries about your own "civil liberties".
    If you don't want to join in, go live in the dessert somewhere away from everyone else.
    All the CR*P abaout there being a chip in the vaccine is BULLSH*T, and everyong who carries a mobile phone / smartwatch is tracked anyway!!
    Stay safe everyone, this is in for the long haul until EVERYONE pays heed!!

  2. Hi Scottish Folkie Not sure who you are dressing here but you are welcome. Preaching to the choir so maybe better on your own blog? Still you're welcome
    Glad you are in agreement
    Stay safe, wear a mask and spread the word inoculation wise!

  3. Should read"addressing" obvs!!! . . . . . . . welcome anyway!
