
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

John Lennon - The ULTIMATE COLLECTION - Plastic Ono Band

            Then there's a review of John Lennon's 'Plastic Ono Band' 8 disc anniversary deluxe set edition and this is really worth the read too.

Again a great review and really interesting notes about the legendary break up of the Beatles  . . . . . even tho' most of us seemed only to buy McCartney earlier that April!!?['McCartney' came out in April and charted no.1 in the US and no 2 in the U.K.] Lennon’s album came out some eight months later in Dec and only made it to no. 8 in the U.K. no. 6 in the US. Lennon said to be annoyed that George’s ‘All Things Must Pass’ coming out in November the month before and being his third solo effort in actual fact (Wonderwall and Electronic Music coming out much earlier) 

"God" was perhaps the most challenging track to many, though I took Working Class Hero personally and it annoyed me intensely wrestling as I was with my Sociology lecturer telling me quite how middle-class my family were and that my working class roots came to naught and Lennon's 'And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can seerankled something HARD! Was he singing about me? 'Peasant was I? Well he could take a running jump as far as I could muster the venom to engender so I disliked the album and still am not keen and prefer 'Imagine the year after  . . . . . . . . . The Janov therapy thrust in our faces was a shock I guess but quickly despised and dismissed as he failed to complete his program much to Janov’s continued concern feeling John needed at least another full year to complete the complex nature of his abandonment issues and resolve his anger but John’s green card issues meant his visa required his return to the UK


  1. Hi Andy first just came across your blog a little while ago and i have downloaded John Lennon and trying to unpack them, it askes me for a password could you please show me where to obtain it.
    second are you the "swappers" who used to send great comments to "Patrick Crosley" acka croz who was a Bob Dylan and Grateful Dead Fan

  2. Hi Barrie! Yes it is true I am the 'swappers' guy who enjoyed Patrick Crosley's postings and found him sourcing TTRH Bob Dylan radio show and his blogging and his own accomplished musicianship too!
    The password to the Lennon is the blog site name 'onlygoodsong' all lower case and all one word

    oh and thank so much for dropping by I do believe I recall a Barrie G being a Croz fan too! Yes?!

  3. Hi Andy (Swappers" Thanks for the password, yes i am the Barrie G from Croz, and found a lot of his dylan stuff to be found no where else. i still listen to TTRH they were great shows. From memory you and him used to have some great correspondence. Have you heard from him since he dropped out?
    cheers Barrie

  4. Nice to get a reply Barrie and no I don't have contact with Croz anymore sadly and he asked us not to try. Although I do confess I sent him a concerned email and expressed our collective best wishes to him but to no avail. I too listen to the Radio broadcasts regularly and especially if I am feeling low they always bring me cheer. Did you get the last one!? (more an advert for his Whiskey' than anything else!?)
    am in touch with a few of the Croz folks here who knew him better than I but they seemingly have the same; no contact at all now. Sad but I am sure we all join together to wish him well. Wherever he maybe!?!?
    cheers to you too

  5. Hi Andy yes with you wish him all the best, and no i did not get get the last one, keep safe from covid cheers Barrie
