
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Eric Clapton sues German widow over £8.45!

 He just keeps getting worse and worse . . . he will be taking health advice from architects and socialising with anti-abortionists next!

Think Blondie's Chris Stein sums it up here nicely . . . . . . . . . : perhaps someone should start a Go Fund Me for her!

A 55-year-old German widow – named in reports as Gabriele P. – has reportedly been mandated to pay for court costs for both herself and Eric Clapton, after the electric guitar player successfully sued her over the sale of a live bootleg CD on eBay.

According to the German newspaper Bild, the bootleg, Live USA, was purchased by the defendant’s late husband at a department store more than 30 years ago. Gabriele then went on to list the album on eBay for €9.95 (~$11) in July, after which Clapton – citing the illegal nature of the album – sent the court an affidavit.

The Düsseldorf Regional Court ruled in Clapton’s favor, and yesterday (December 15) rejected Gabriele P’s appeal on the initial ruling, saying that the facts that she neither bought the CD herself initially nor knew, at the time she listed it on eBay, that it was a bootleg, were immaterial.  

Gabriele P. now reportedly faces either a €250,000 fine or six-month prison sentence if she continues her efforts to sell the album.

A recent photo of Clapton with Jimmie Vaughan with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, just after he had signed one of America’s strictest abortion laws
Clapton's Pandemic Politics - adn


  1. Go E.C.! Funny how you're not a bad drug addict, but when you say things that don't align with the government, you become a repugnant, less than human being, UGH!
    What ever happened to respecting artists right to "protest their government".

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. One point that I think is not being addressed here is how this could/has effect the blogging community. You see when you download a bootleg recording it is the "Illegal nature of the recording" so in essence every time someone hits that download link you are violating what Mr. Clapton is trying to protect. So does that make the millions of people who download everyday criminals? Or how about the idiots who support EC on this endeavor, you become a hypocrite when you hit that download button. Van Morrison actively goes after blog sites. That's part of the reason I won't post his shows. I'm not saying you can't have an opinion on what Clapton is doing to some German lady. I'm just saying what Clapton is doing to some German lady is wrong. Mr. Morrison and Mr. Clapton's greed is what's truly showing here. They are rich beyond their wildest dreams and have the time to sniff out "bootleg" recordings and threatened some working class stiff. FUCK Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. Michele your point about "things that don't align with the government" is misleading in as much as the government is trying, and has always tried to stop the bootleg recording industry. Which is the opposite of protesting the government and is actually falling in line with the government. Andy thanks for the forum

  4. Thank you for dropping by Michelle Browne. A somewhat curious response to a headline and central item fro Chris Stein of Blondie singling out the multi millionaire musician for suing a German widow for selling a live concert ROIO CD for £8.50 so that she has to now find the court costs of thousands to pay him! Nobody mentioned the government, (yours or ours)! Nobody referred to the multimillionaire white superstar as "repugnant' or "less than human" for suing her. I was in fact a former staunch fan and have seen him live several times from Cream to Blind Faith to his solo work. I am merely now bitterly disappointed in his reactionary right wing gibberish
    If however you are referring to the article link that discusses the wonderful Robert Cray standing down from being Clapton support act anymore then please take it up with the publisher. I was merely citing it as background to the recent reactionary right wing so called 'former' racist of hypocrisy funding anti-vax movements after getting BOTH his vaccinations? This is not a government issue but a scientific one being as we are in the middle of a global pandemic that is killing people in their thousands representing as we do America and the UK two of the worst performing health results and government guidance with the highest death rates on the planet. The super rich should be rebelling agains those people trying to brainwash those associating freedom from "slavery" with the science rather than issues that impinge upon their ability to increase there already vast wealth!

  5. The "big Pharma" boogieman no more, huh? They okay now?


  6. No idea what this 10 word soundbite means? Who are you asking after and merely citing a buzzword from the twitteratti gets us precisely nowhere but hey, maybe take a moment longer and see if you can string a cogent argument together . . . . . . just a thought?!
    Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings anyhoo! ;)
