
Monday, December 13, 2021

Norah Jones from BBChronicles - another source?!


Despite my teasing BBChronicles the other day when he posted a couple of Norah Jones early sets one at least available from Big O years ago now(this one too and another night from the same tour Big O - Norah 1 and Big O Norah 2 asking him if he could post a more recent set to bring us a bit more up to date and he has obliged nicely and posted this set from Alaska (sic?) an audience recording no less and you know I don't really post those any more but this is well worth revisiting and extremely high quality, eminently listenable and brings us up too day with Norah's songwriting and band work. 

Norah in Paris 2012 - Big O another here

Norah Jones - 2019 Bear ToothTheatre, Anchorage AK - BBChronicles

(1) Pete - bass, Josh - guitar
(2) Josh - guitar
(3) Norah - acoustic guitar, Pete - piano
(4) Norah - electric guitar, Pete - piano
(5) Norah - solo, on piano

Norah Jones - lead vocals, piano, acoustic & electric guitars
Josh Lattanzi - bass, guitar, & backing vocals
Pete Remm - organ, piano, bass, & backing vocals
Greg Wieczorek - drums, percussion, & backing vocals

So you pays your money and you takes your choice (or not!) you can donate to either source Big O or BB
but these are all really fine vintage Jones at her best

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