
Thursday, December 02, 2021

THE BIRTH OF GET BACK! - Paul writes a new Beatle song!

I’ve never seen anything like this on film before. Paul really has nothing at the 30 second mark—but 45 seconds later he’s got the makings of a hit single. 

There’s a widespread view that creative people wait for moments of inspiration. But McCartney, at age 26, is literally able to force these moments to happen. What a skill! And note his confidence & absorption. This is what the ‘flow state’ looks like in real time. - 

 Ted Gioia,  Author of 11 books including Music: A Subversive History, The History of Jazz, and Delta Blues. 

This is astonishing! the birth of a masterpiece happening right before your eyes . . . . the new film Get Back has much to show us about the end of the band and as previously misunderstood it was happier than we knew!

Awesome doesn't quite cover it somehow! Thanks to Stop and Imagine Love Forever

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