
Saturday, January 08, 2022

John given a guitar at the New York Warwick Hotel


The news clip . . . . . here

Rainy Days and Mondays posted this clip and photo of the Beatles press confernerec in New York at The Warwick hotel (the first hotel I ever stayed in when I first visited that extraordinary city. AS a prime guitar nerd I spited the presentation of a guitar to John (why just him?) and it struck me as extraordinary (they got given some weird instruments over the years) and they gave him a 12 string semi acoustic though the make is not clear . . . . . . . . . .anyone? I love George's face here in the still as  much as to say "Well where's mine?!" arguably the better guitarist (as indeed was Paul too) but I guess as the band's 'leader' it fell to John to receive the gift. Wonder what happened to it?

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