
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

LEAH MOORE - MORRISON HOTEL (Graphic Novel) - Urbanaspirines

Urbanaspirines has posted a nice piece this morning (sic) about the Doors graphic novel 'Morrison Hotel' from Leah Moore (daughter of Watchmen author and all round Brummy legend Alan Moore) it is not to my taste, as a massive Doors fan some might expect me to be, but I am new to the graphic novel really and such art and creatively inspired fan fiction and artwork (I am guilty I even did my own!) it is such a subjective field (like the film and associated fictions produced over the years) that I am nothing if not pedantic about my enjoyment for all things Doors and authenticity and anything sourced from the band is fine with me . . . . . fan art maybe not so much

I was going to buy it as a completest kind of fan but there is so much out there now it is really impossible even waiting for the Morrison lyrics book (£300+!) is hard work now . . . . .still I defend her right to do this and introduce Jim and the boys to perhaps another audience. What do I know?


Morrison Hotel - Graphic Novel - Leah Moore - URBANASPIRINES

Leah's legendary Dad Alan Moore

Jim Morrison - by A. Swapp 1977 Liquitex on Sandtex on canvas 3' x 4' (destroyed)

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