
Sunday, February 27, 2022

GOP NEWS:: anti-American traitors luv Putin

I'm sorry! What the sweet heckin' freckin' hell is happening in the USA!? 

Have the Right gone stark staring mad? 

Not that long ago anyone siding with dirty commie pinko Communists would have been grilled as Un American now it seems to be compulsory. Has it taken them that long to recognise a fellow fascist whet they see one?

“(via The Right’s Top Minds Have Some ‘Theories’ About What Is ‘Really’ Going On With Putin And Russia - Wonkette)
GOP anti-American traitors luv putin

with thanks to the brilliant mudwerks:

(via The Right’s Top Minds Have Some ‘Theories’ About What Is ‘Really’ Going On With Putin And Russia - Wonkette)

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