
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Song For a Wednesday - Bobby - 'Watching The River Flow'



  1. Hello Andy

    So, this is what I think happened. A while back we had a reader wanting to know what the password was for a Soundgarden post I had put up. He went by the name of Dennis. The Boss responded to him and told him where he could find it. First off it's not like we hide the password and it's always been the same password. Well, I guess he found the password then wrote us and said the file was corrupt. It was not on our end as I tried the link and it worked fine. So he then responded for us to take our password and our site and shove it up our ass. I went and reposted the recording in question(Soundgarden) and added new links. That's when all this trouble started. It had to be him cause nothing else or no ones other posts have been bothered. Heck my posts over at The Boot have not been subjected to take down notices. Another thing I don't understand all we publish are ROIO's and when you look at the blogsphere all you see are "officially" released recordings. How these sites are not targeted but I am makes me think someone reported me (Dennis) Anyway I probably will post over at The Bookstore and The Boot until I'm told to remove something. Do you happen to know how many warnings Blogger gives you before they remove your Blog? I sure don't want to be the reason our places get closed down. So thanks for the forum to rant. And today's song of the day is a great choice.

  2. Oh yeah you might want to check The Bookstore for a fairly rare Ry Cooder David Lindley show

  3. I wondered about the abusive posts from that guy and was going to respond as it made me so angry but figured it wasn't my place and left it to you n the Boss. Knew he was trouble. I don't know about number of warnings to take down. It was external threats to my posting which you can still see in my separate pages in places, the Dylan was threats by the Sherrif and I merely complied and Eblogger themselves never bothered me. I don't find them very responsive or interactive which is a shame but I am sure they would be open to discussion .

    P.S. thanks for the Cooder link I will check it out now

    again thanks for the heads up and keeping me in the loop man. Hope for you and your postings. Keep in touch iff you need and if I can do anything
