
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Vaccine News RECAP!

 I have stayed away ( as much as possible) from the Antivaxxer madness and alternative facts (an alternative fact = a lie people) and yet . . . . . . . . sometimes

To recap, instead of just taking the free! and widely available vaccine, antivaxxers have tried:

This is an incomplete list, and I have no doubt that it will grow even longer and stupider.

Remember, these are the SAME people who keep telling everyone they refuse to take the vaccine because they’re concerned with what goes into their precious bodies.

 . . . . . . . that's LICKING RATS!


Anyway, here is an article debunking some of the more popular antivaxxer myths

Ever get the feeling that everyone's gone stark staring MAD!


  1. You forgot to include "Shaving off your pubic hair and spreading them on the Grateful Dead's record Aoxomoxoa then played at a speed of 47rpm's while smearing Haagen-Dazs Carmel cone ice cream on your face. Worked for me

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . . .that’s hilarious! (Disgusting but hilarious!!!)

    I knew you were a sick puppy!!!

    Way to go, bro!
