
Thursday, March 24, 2022



Somebody points out at the top of the comments on YouTube for this heart wrenching song that you can look in someone's eyes and know they are hiding a hurt inside and this is very true and especially so for Sandy. A lifelong alcoholic intimates there were things troubling her. She passed away from a fall (whilst drunk?) it is alleged and I only wish she had been able to access therapy specialising in addiction. 

The majority of entrenched addicts have experienced abuse and of those the majority have endured sexual abuse as a child (which was my specialism as a therapist). Now I am not saying that is what happened to Sandy but that she abused substances whether legal or not so that her life was cut short by some terrible inner demon. Outwardly the easy going gal with the one of the boys bonhomie with a cheery disposition and the haunting voice barely hid the trouble in mind . . . . . . . just my opinion and here is another reason why

Listen to this, stay safe and be kind to all you meet upon the road . . . . . . . . . 

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