
Monday, April 11, 2022

Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns (1992)

OH MY!!!!

This one mostly for my old pal Phil who really encouraged my obsession (obsessed? Moi?) with the fine actor Michelle Pfeiffer. Here as the best Catwoman in any Batman film EVER . . . . . . . It is long been known that Pfeiffer need 18 separate suits made for her role as Catwoman and needed to be hand sown into most of them. But did you know she actually learned really rather well how to use the whip!?

Michelle Pfeiffer did her own whip stunts. She was trained in whip combat by Anthony DeLongis, famed whipper and stunt coordinator who also trained Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones. 

Explaining her training, “I trained for months with the whip master. On our first day together, I caught his face with the whip and it drew blood. It completely shattered me. I was very nervous on my first day of shooting. I’d gotten pretty good with the whip, but when you show up, you don’t anticipate all the lights everywhere.” 

She completed her iconic "mannequin head strike” attack from the 1992 blockbuster in just a single take. [x] 

BATMAN RETURNS (1992), dir. Tim Burton


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