
Monday, May 02, 2022

Robert Smith and Mary Poole . . . . . .

Mary Poole and Robert Smith, 1986, by Richard Young.

Robert and Mary became a couple when they were 14, and married two years after this photo, famously giving her “Love Song” for the occasion.

“I gave Mary a tape of it for a wedding present,” Robert told Select magazine in August 1991. “She went away to the other room to listen to it, then smothered me with kisses. It’s the most upfront, true, frank and honest thing I’ve ever sung. It’s about love, but also the inability to ever really know someone.”

“Love Song” also became The Cure’s biggest hit, reaching #2 in the US (and only #18 in the UK) in 1989.

from the glorious Sounds of '71

Reasons we love Robert . . . . . . . . I think the word is 'taciturn' . . . . I like it!

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