
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Scotch & Coke! The Beatles drink of choice and Paul fondly remembers early Beatles fun!


Ritchie was the Grown Up!

we couldn't get anything like 'Bourbon' back then Jack Daniels was unheard of, a British Teacher's blended malt if we were lucky. We found more exotic brands later when we visited the American Heyford Airbase up the road and went to their shops (although not allowed to) for brands like Marlboro, and if we were lucky something really exotic like Chesterfields and later Kent! Jack Daniels made me throw up! 7 Up we had never heard of either and we had to stick to Whites lemonade . . . . . .  ha ha ha ha great memory Macca

we always loved Ringo . . . . . . 

One missing . . . . . . . . Ringo off out down the Off Licence buying Bourbon for the boys!?

John, George, Paul and I though Phil Spector at first but it's Glynn Johns

Rainy Days and Mondays

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