
Wednesday, June 01, 2022

ZOOT HORN ROLLO aka Bill Harkleroad :: no 137 in an occasional series on favourite guitarists


Below is an extract from 'Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollo's Captain Beefheart Experience', Bill Harkleroad's 1998 book, co-written with Billy James. The picture of Bill (see below)was taken by Cal Schenkel during a star studded jam session in Frank Zappa's basement. Bill had only just joined Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band when the session happened in mid 1968. Bill takes up the story:

'After the audition Don (Van Vliet) and I jumped into his car, this big old bitchin' Mark IV Jaguar, and drove into Laurel Canyon to Frank Zappa's house. That's when I started getting nervous. Frank was a big deal to me. As far as music went, my two influences besides the blues, and some jazz were Beefheart and Zappa! So I'm going down to meet Frank Zappa and by now he was definitely more successful than Don. I think Absolutely Free had been done, I don't think We're Only In It For The Money had been released yet. So we go down to Frank's place – Tom Mix's old house in Laurel Canyon. There's tons of people hanging around in this big old log cabin and I'm pretty nervous. So we went downstairs and ran into Frank. He was very cordial and animated and there's people everywhere. Women were all over the place – what an experience!

It turns out Frank was trying to put together this Rock 'n' Roll Circus thing, which The Stones later put together without him. I don't know how many Rolling Stones were there at the time, but Mick Jagger certainly was, as were The Who and Marianne Faithful. She was so ripped she was drooling – but what a babe – I was star struck! It was funny because Jagger really didn't mean a whole lot to me at that point. I'd played all their tunes in various bands. To me he really wasn't a singer – he was a "star". But when I actually met him, all I can remember thinking is, "How could you be a star? You're too little!"

Downstairs at Frank's was the first time I saw Art Tripp. He had just joined the Mothers and he was playing drums. Frank was rehearsing some tunes with a string section, clarinets and various other session players. Also, there was a one lane bowling alley down there! Well being the acid-head I was – I'm almost hallucinating to suddenly be amongst Zappa and all these people! I ended up in this jam session in a circle of people about six or seven feet apart and we're playing "Be-Bop-a-Lu-La"! Don was to my immediate left wearing his big madhatter hat and to his immediate left was Mick Jagger and right around the circle all these people were playing, Frank included.

So I'm jamming with these guys almost too nervous to be able to move or breathe. I started to ease up after I noticed that Jagger seemed to be equally intimidated. Then we went into Muddy Waters' "Rollin' & 'I'umblin'" and a couple of blues things and that was it. It was such a strange experience – somehow just out of nowhere I'm down in Hollywood meeting Frank Zappa and this whole entourage of famous people like Jagger, Marianne Faithful and Pete Townshend. What an audition! There I was 19 years old and I'm very taken with these big important people.'

1968 at Zappa’s Laurel Canyon compound, known as The Log Cabin (Cal Schenkel)

yeah I liked Mallard, I like ducks . . . . . . and all the different types 

Captain Beefheart - Big Eyed Beans From Venus

Bill Harkleroad - We saw a Bozo Under the Sea (complete - out of print?)
now go out and buy it!  . . . . . if you can find it

this too available still at any good bookstore

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