
Saturday, July 02, 2022

Hans Ruedi Giger: (5 February 1940 – 12 May 2014) : URBANASPIRINES

 Nearly forgot to post this . . . . . . I think we are used to the profiles Urbanaspirines does on bands and musicians and this is a doozie on the legend that was the super sci-fi illustrator and film set designer H.R.GIGER.

 I loved the 'Alien' and everything about the first film and the design was like a separate character that still haunts to this day and as continued throughout the franchise but the first glimpses of the 'monster alien' as she changes were little short of genius. In film so often the tone is set to mysterious horrors by half seeing something but this was compounded as the films developed and the first glimpsed suggestions suddenly achieve a truly full horrific reality when we REALLY see the creature. This is ALL down to the editing and the camerawork but it is GIGER who gave them such a monster to deal with. Nothing like it since and doubtless ever will be again

Great profile piece as per from Urban check it out . . . . . . . 

H.R.GIGER - 5/02/1940 : 12/05/2014 - URBANASPIRINES here . . .

still . . . . . . . come to mother